Lucy’s Inguinal Hernias
Published: April 14th, 2021
Lucy’s Inguinal Hernias
Published: April 14th, 2021
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Lucy is an 8 year old Bulldog who came to us after being lost. Our staff immediately noticed that Lucy had 2 very large swellings under her tummy and were worried that they may be tumours. Our Vet examined her and found the swellings to be soft, one in each groin area, left and right. Lucy was anaesthetised and the large swellings investigated.
Hernias result from a gap in the muscles of the abdomen. The inguinal canal is an opening of the muscle wall in a dog’s groin This is where Lucy’s hernias had formed. The opening here is normally very narrow. In the case of inguinal hernias there is a widening of the inguinal canal. Cases of inguinal hernias can be present at birth (in which case the problem is often inherited) or can be acquired later in life. Any dogs (male or female) with inguinal hernias should not be bred from since the condition can be passed on to their puppies.
The wider gap in the muscle allows some of the contents of the abdomen to protrude through into the hernial sac. If the gap is large enough, the intestine, uterus or bladder can get through. This is known as a complicated hernia. In Lucy’s case, the hernia on the left side contained part of her uterus (womb). If anything becomes trapped in the hernia the tissue can then swell up and cut off it’s blood supply. This is a serious complication which, if left untreated, would be fatal.
Hernias can be extremely painful, and even fatal, if left untreated. I you notice any unusual bumps or lumps on your pet, or they have blood in their urine, loss of appetite, or drop in energy levels, please contact your vet straight away. Do not touch the area as you could cause complications. Thankfully for Lucy, our onsite facilities and experienced teams meant she got the treatment she needed, and is now waiting for rehoming to restart so she can find her forever home.