Tasha’s Story – Leg Amputation
Published: September 13th, 2020
Tasha’s Story – Leg Amputation
Published: September 13th, 2020
When the stunning Saluki lurcher came to us as a stray, she was unable to bear any weight on her front right leg. She had obviously sustained a serious injury while straying.
CAUTION: This article contains a graphic image of Tasha’s injury at the base of this article.
The leg was splinted to keep it stable while we tried to get in contact with her owner, but as no-one came forward, we needed to take things further. It was quite obvious that the leg was badly broken just above the wrist, very close to the joint. A decision was made to amputate the leg. As you can see, Tasha made a speedy recovery, much happier without her painful limb.
Without donations, we simply couldn’t fund operations such as these, but for dogs like Tasha, euthanasia should not be the best option. Please help support Stray Aid and the vital work we do.
CAUTION: This article contains a graphic image of Tasha’s injury below this caution.