Helping Hercules
Published: August 16th, 2020
Helping Hercules
Published: August 16th, 2020
CAUTION: This article contains detailed descriptions of injuries suffered as a possible results of animal abuse. At the bottom of this article are images of Hercules’ injuries and operation. If you do not wish to see these images, please do not scroll to this section. A second caution appears before this section of the article.
JOIN TEAM SAFE TODAY TO HELP US to continue to provide the care and support pets like Hercules needs
Back in June of 2017, Hercules, a black and white cat, was brought to the Stray Aid’s Rescue Centre unable to walk and with bandages on both front legs. Removing the bandages we found catastrophic injuries to both legs. His right leg had severe injuries to the paw with missing toes and severe crush injuries to the remaining bones, the circumference of his left leg had been completely stripped of skin and fur over a 4 cm width. Truly horrific injuries.
It is unlikely that his injuries were accidental, and may have been due to abuse or maltreatment, although with no definite history, our concern at Stray Aid was simply the cat’s welfare. It was agreed by veterinary staff and management that the extent of his injuries was such that moving him would only cause further distress and that he should be cared for in our onsite cattery where his movement could be limited and where he would have access to veterinary treatment daily without the need for transportation.
Hercules didn’t hold any grudges against our veterinary team, and seemed to like the attention.
His wounds were redressed and he was given pain relief and antibiotics then the long nervous wait began. The initial outlook was glum such was the severity of his injuries but spirits were lifted by the incredible fighting spirit this young cat seemed to possess. Our centre manager with 17 years experience of working with cats stated he had never seen a cat deal with adversity like this, the kitten’s bravery was extraordinary.
On the Saturday after he was brought to us, his dressings needed changing (such was the pain involved in this it had to be done under anaesthetic) on removal of the dressings it became clear that the injuries to the right leg and foot were just too severe, despite the antibiotics infection was already starting to set in, the stench was horrific, the foot was dead, the leg needed to be removed or risk losing him to blood poisoning. The news from the left leg was more heartening clearly there was still blood supply to the foot and no sign of infection in the wound, pessimism was replaced with cautious optimism.
On the following Tuesday, the right leg was amputated and the continuing to improve left leg redressed again under anaesthetic, in fact it would be another 2 weeks before anaesthetic wasn’t required for dressing changes such was the pain of touching the leg itself. Incredibly though, just hours after the operation he was eating like normal and adjusting to walking on 3 legs, an adjustment that unbelievably took less the 3 days!
The leg was removed at the shoulder as leaving part of the limb would have resulted in on-going trauma to the stump.
Hercules was quickly able to master walking on just three legs, and only took 5 weeks for the skin on his front left leg to heal. After less than two months in our care, Hercules had made fantastic progress on his recovery and found his new forever home.
Hercules continues to inspire us today and shows we here at Stray Aid will pull out all the stops to make sure every pet in our care gets the medical attention they need. In all, Hercules’ treatment cost the charity around £1,500. If Hercules had been taken to another shelter, he might not have been given the second chance he needed.
If you are able, please join Team SAFE and donate as little as £5 to help ensure we can continue to provide life-saving medical care to the pets in our care. Our onsite veterinary facilities and team make us unique amongst many rescues, and we are proud that we are able to provide whatever medical attention our animals may need.
JOIN TEAM SAFE TODAY TO HELP US to continue to provide the care and support pets like Hercules needs
CAUCTION: Graphic images of Hercules’s injuries and operation are displayed below. Please do not scroll any further if you do not wish to see this content.